CWED: Online C++ IDE for Students.

CWED is an online C/C++ IDE for programming students. It provides a simple and minimalist environment with only the most essential features implemented. The IDE is designed as a more convenient Web-based alternative to heavyweight desktop-based professional development systems. CWED is best suited for programming tasks in a classroom and programming contests and you can also use it for small personal projects and testing code from programming handbooks and manuals.

The IDE's features include:

You can view the IDE's screen by clicking the thumb-nail below

The IDE is implemented as a server-side Web application written in PHP. To install it you need a server computer running GNU/Linux, a Web server software with PHP support and GNU's g++ compiler and gdb debugger. For example, you can use Debian or Ubuntu Server and Apache HTTP server with PHP modules enabled.

You can download the latest version of CWED from here. The IDE's distribution package contains a file with details on how to install and use the IDE. Also you can visit the project's page located here


Download the IDE
Project Page

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